Lone Wolf Learning Course Information:

An eight month distance learning course with a donation to a project working with wild wolves included in the program.

Price - £350.00.

Included In The Wolf Learning Course:

* Folder/Work manual consisting of eight sections - specifically produced for this course.

* Eight questions at the end of each section.

* Published wolf book for reference/research purposes.

* Eight addressed envelopes with postage for sending in work to be marked.

* A donation to a wolf conservation group organised on behalf of the student.

* Certificate on completion (if the course is completed successfully).

 The Next Start Dates For The Course Are:



Note: This course is designed to impart knowledge to students in a way that is enjoyable and fun. It is aimed at people with no previous, or very little knowledge of wolves. Becoming a wolf ‘expert’ takes many years so this course shouldn’t be seen as a way of becoming that in just eight months but instead a chance to learn more about wolves at a basic level. There is also the added opportunity to support wolves in the wild or wolves living in a wolf sanctuary. This course is not accredited.